The 2009 Portland Music Awards nominations are over, folks. I've been nominated for the Best Male Artist award! I need your help to receive this honor and secure this piece of hardware.
Yes, my name is misspelled on the ballot. But don't think for a second you're supporting rampant illiteracy by voting for "John" Davidson. You can vote 5 times from a single IP address. Please vote for other well-deserving artists in other categories, too, like Acoustic Minds for Best New Artist or Keegan Smith for Best Live Performance. But not, of course, for Best Male Artist. :) Voting closes Jan. 20, and the winners will be announced at the Portland Music Awards ceremony Jan. 29!
Click HERE to vote.
So after ringing in the New Year with a Spanish countdown, I played in San Luis Obispo Thursday and Monterey Friday. I'm really living it up in a Motel 6 right now. I oozed downstairs for some coffee, only to be informed that this Motel 6 stops serving coffee at 10. TEN!! What kind of fatuous crackophile is actually awake to consume coffee before that God-forsaken hour? Yes, that was a rhetorical question.
Furthermore, they don't sell toothbrushes in the vending machine; the only toiletries available are combs. So, I bought the comb and made do. Don't ask.
On to the Grants Pass, OR, area tonight. Making a small-town stop in Cave Junction. This name makes no sense. If there were actually a junction of caves, wouldn't they simply be considered one larger cave? Not necessarily, I guess. We humans still have both the large and small colons, which are joined in most people.
Man, I really could've used that coffee.
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